25 Feb 2010 | | 0 comments

Learning to use GarageBand

In order to create a radio advert we had to use the program GarageBand. It is usually used to mix and record music for amateur musicians, however it does have  the capabilities to record and edit recorded voices. To begin with we had to open up a folder and instead of the usual tracks that would be used, for example to record guitar or piano sounds, we created a 'real instrument' track. This meant that when we imported our sounds that they would be easier to manipulate.

I recorded myself speaking the narrative parts into an easy-speak microphone that had a usb device which made it easy to transfer onto the computer. 

We exported the sound files from the documentary also onto a usb and copied in onto the same computer. When we went through the audio of the documentary we were very selective about what we took - choosing only the most important parts. Once it was all safely in GarageBand we could split it all up and separate up the most important parts and delete anything irrelevant. 

Our advert was only supposed to be 20-30 seconds so we had to cut it down a lot and be very ruthless about anything that was not going to add anything to the final advert.

After listening to the advert draft we were worried that it was too quiet because some of our interviewees spoke very softly. The sound bar at the bottom showed the audio only reaching the first couple of bars.  
This problem was solved by copying and pasting duplicate files that, when aligned with the existing files, would make double the sound and so be louder.
There was another way we could increase the sound however, which involved bringing up the track volume and raising the blue line that appeared.
When we clicked on the blue line, something called a track node appeared and creating more of them made us able to move the volume up and down. This was also useful for making fade effects because you could use the nodes to make a voice fade in or out.

This was the point at which we needed to add music to our advert so as to link all the separate speaking pieces together. After searching a very long time we found some copyright free christian hymn music that fit perfectly with the tone of our documentary and so would be great for the advert. When we imported the music as an MP3 file it was far too long and so we had to cut off the end straight away. Once we had an approximate length we had to bring up the editor tool bar to do some more delicate cutting up so that the natural fade outs in the music corresponded with voice changes in the rest of the audio. 

The end we were especially proud of because the music reaches a break and trails off by itself without us needing to adjust the track volume.



We have now recorded and uploaded our commentary onto a new version of our documentary. We stayed after school on Wednesday to record the latest script and we each have equal amounts of speaking time. We put the audio onto the commentary version of our final cut files and began to match up the audio and visuals. It has taken a very very long time to do because at first we had no idea how to create still frames which was an important part of the process. Eventually we figured it out and began to work out how to make it so that when we talked about a particular aspect of framing that picture was on the screen. We have finished the majority of it now, but unfortunately it is too short and so will have to be elongated somehow. 

24 Feb 2010 | | 0 comments

Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro is a program that helped our editing process greatly. From a student who had to edit our thriller film last year, I can say that FCP is far more superior in terms of features and accessibility than what I used last year, Apple iMovie. 

One of the main features that helped us during the editing process, was the ease of which overlapping, fading and manipulating was done at. As learnt from this website during the research process, a fade in is "a quiet introduction to a scene". This introduction of tranquility was something we wished to capture, and the ease of which it was available with FCP was very helpful.

As we had to overlap music and in scene audio quite a bit, it was useful that FCP was able to do it easily. As you can see in the screenshot, dragging and dropping is the extent to overlapping audio and it was a very helpful feature. I remember trying to accomplish this last year using iMovie, however it being a much longer task - this is because FCP supports many more 'tracks', so various layers of audio and video can be added with ease. 

FCP manages video footage in an efficient way that made keeping track of video easy. As you can see in the screenshot, 'bins' where created which held our footage. We could for example, (and did), create a folder called 'Cutaways' and in here store all relevant footage. All in all it made editing a much quicker process.

FCP allowed us to use a range of video transitions, far more than iMovie, and have greater control over them. We could for example control the transitions' size, time, and even movement. As shown in the screenshot, a sequence of Fade in/out shots give the effect of time passing. FCP made it easy to achieve this, with a simple drag and drop before each shot giving a fade in and out effect.
Addition of text or titles was simple. FCP allowed us to modify the size of the text, where it was placed, and font face. As you can see here, Sharon's name is placed in the bottom left hand of the screen. This is a typical convention of documentaries, and is often used when introducing an interviewee. This was inspired by various documentaries as the majority of documentaries include this technique.
An example of the convention being used.

22 Feb 2010 | | 0 comments

How each ancillary text will appeal to the target audience?

How each ancillary text will appeal to the target audience?
Where will the text appear?
Why are these formats appropriate?


From our research on radio adverts, we found out that our advert would fit most appropriately on the BBC radio station, Radio 4. Why we chose this is because of findings from the BBC wikipedia page:
  • Radio 1 ("the best new music and entertainment")
  • Radio 2 (the UK's most listened to radio station, with 12.9 million weekly listeners)
  • Radio 3 (classical and jazz music)
  • Radio 4 (current affairs, factual, drama and comedy)
  • Radio 5 Live (24 hour news, sports and talk) 
From here, it was clear Radio 4 was the station that most related to our program.

The fact we chose Radio 4 sets out the target audience to an extent, as it already appeals to a quite defined audience. On researching the Radio 4 demographic audience, I found the following, defined in its service license:

"The remit of Radio 4 is to be a mixed speech service, offering in-depth news and current affairs and a wide range of other speech output including drama, readings, comedy and factual and magazine 
programmes. The service should appeal to listeners seeking intelligent programmes in many genres which inform and educate and entertain"

The text highlighted in bold defines why we chose Radio 4, as each relates to our advert. 

As the issue of Christian homosexuality has become such a widespread topic, yet still appears in headlines regularly, shows that it is still part of current affairs. It is an issue yet to be resolved - this week for example, a headline has been: Government should not stand in way of homosexuals marrying in church, say Tories

Our documentary contains no re-enactments, and documents purely factual knowledge. 

Additionally, everything from language used, to the very core subject of our documentary is something that would appeal to people seeking intelligent programmes. Our documentary idea falls under two main categories, religious and current affairs. Both these are ideas which relate predominantly if not exclusively to that of an intelligent audience.

In terms of timing, research of the Radio 4 schedule page showed us most religious programming is done at 16:00 - 17:00, in which ours will be best suited too.


As our documentary will be screened on a BBC channel, again I searched for the guidelines for this channel. It brought me to the "BBC Commisioning Documentaries" page, which said the documentary should, "challenge the audience to broaden their horizons or see their world from different perspectives". Our issue, is something which requires a mature audience to suspend their views for a few moments and see the views of others, so to create their own. For an audience to do this, it requires a level of maturity that resides in a mature age group. The subject is so broad, and relates to so many people in different age groups. It would be inefficient to target it at a age group exclusively. Therefore, the target age audience is mature persons, generally over the age of about 16.

The documentary commision page says the ideal documentary should "make more traditional docs subjects modern and relevant". As all young documentary makers, we made it from the viewpoint of someone with a modern point of view, with new ideas. This is evident from the hybrid style of documentary we used, in which we combined traditional forms of documentary into one of our own. The following image with Alex's hand, is an example of a transition that we used. It gives it a more modern feel, and is an example of something that isn't a traditional documentary convention, but something that we uniquely used - again re-affirming the BBC as the best network to screen our documentary.

11 Feb 2010 | | 0 comments

Learning to use Adobe PhotoShop CS4

We used Adobe Photoshop CS4 to help me construct a poster advert for our documentary. We had used a similar application in the past but We learnt many new creative things while working on the poster advert. We learnt how to take some colours and with the smudge tool I made a rainbow, which is symbolic to the flag that is associated with homosexual people. I had seen the advert for the film “Flags of our Fathers” and thought it was an inspiring picture that shows the struggle to where the soldiers are trying to achieve a goal, so I thought I could use a similar picture that shows the struggle in which homosexual people go through to get acceptance not only in religion, but in society as a whole. People who see our advert will see the intertextual link to the film Flags of our Fathers and so this can open interest to a new demographic.

8 Feb 2010 | | 0 comments

What media texts did you look at to research your ancillary text?

What media texts did you look at to research your ancillary text?

Throughout, we used a variety of media texts to research the documentary genre, become clear of its conventions, and influence our individual shots. 

Firstly comes the research done for documentary's in general. As an avid 'Louis Theroux' documentary viewer, much influence and initial ideas came from his style. His unique way of presenting the documentary almost like a journey of education, on a subject that is both new to him and the audience is something we took influence from (we too where working on a subject new to us). This is evident in our use of camera shots - for example, the train journey sequence connotes the process as being a journey, not just literally, but also a journey of discovery for both us and the viewer. Secondly, our voice over used describing the problems occurred creates a link between the viewer and documentary maker which in effect establishes an intimacy, reminiscent of Louis Theroux's style of talking directly to the viewers. 

The following interview I watched before planning, provided research into exactly how Louis goes about planning, and creating his documentary ideas - it was very helpful.

Louis Theroux makes the statement I’m not a journalist, I’m a friend” and even though we didn't take this as far as Louis Theroux does, we did make sure to incorporate it partly. In the first interview with Julie the newly trained priest, I invited her to my house and had a near one hour chat beforehand, which created a greater understanding of each other and made us both feel more comfortable in the interview.

In terms of documentary films, as a class we visited The Ritzy and saw the documentary 'Starsuckers'. Although the subject matter differed greatly to ours, it proved a useful resource for something we can take influence from in terms of editing, camera angles and interview techniques. We also had a Q&A session with a representative after the screening. I asked a number of questions, however the question I wanted answered most ("Did you receive permission to use the television clips or not?") was not answered as the documentary maker himself could not show up. It would have been helpful to know the limits surrounding clips used, or if he knew of any reliable resources in terms of free to use clips we too could use.

For our radio advert, we first started by checking the listings of Radio 4 from this page. Once we had an idea of the times religious programming came on, mostly around 16:00 - 17:00 we could revolve our advert around this time slot, target audience and style. A few conventions where evident from listening: 
  • The adverts typically began with a music fade in with a narrative describing a problem/issue
  • Next it had someone who represented the problem/issue speaking about it
  • An opposing view or someone else who represents the problem/issue speaking was next
  • The narrator then comes in again to round it up and tell the time and date will it be shown
We followed this convention in the making of our advert. Although we changed some, we kept to our researched conventions quite a lot, most notably in narration, music and documentary audio inserts.

4 Feb 2010 | | 0 comments

Final Feedback

Best things about the documentary:

  • The rule of thirds used means the two ladies seem as if they are looking at each other
  • The setting shots near the beginning
  • Transitions
  • Cut-aways
  • View points of public
  • Powerful set-up shots
  • Quality of interviews
  • Soundtrack
  • Ending
  • Music
  • Different sources - e.g. interviews and internet
  • The camera angles
  • Opening clips
  • Very steady camera
  • Panning shot of the church
Worst things about the documentary:
  • Background noise
  • Too much filming of some people for too long
  • Can't hear some of the interviews
  • Music a bit repetitive
  • Music a bit loud in parts
  • Can't hear Alex's question at the beginning
  • Montage of images could be slower

25 Jan 2010 | | 0 comments

First Draft of Evaluation

For our opening we went out onto the street and asked pedestrians for their opinions on our chosen subject. We put this a the very beginning of our documentary to introduce the idea using people from our target audience - everyday people. Because it was filmed outside, next to a road, there is a lot of ambient noises such as cars, which makes it harder to hear what the people are saying. Although this adds to the naturalistic feel, if we did this part again we would have chosen a quieter surrounding.

After looking at Louis Theroux's style of documentary making, we decided to create ours in the style of taking a journey of discovery. We filmed a few establishing shots such as our time on the tube to illustrate when we went to interview Sharon Ferguson. The shot of Elliott and Alex walking towards the camera introduces the idea of the interviewers being part of the learning experience. An establishing shot of Oxford House is the last of our journey filming which allows for a smooth and simplisitic transition into Sharon's interview.

While the setting of Sharon's interview looks like an office, it is actually the headquarters of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement. It contained lots of leaflets and pictures in relation to her cause, which meant we had some relevant cutaways by filming around the room. Its unfortunate that the monitor of her computer is on in the background as it is slightly distracting. We kept to the rule of thirds by placing Sharon slightly to the right of the frame and asked her to answer our questions looking to the left.

To introduce our second interview we used a slow low-angle panning shot to film a church which is obviously relevant to our subject. We had Julie's voice over the shot before seeing her to connect what she was talking about with the church.

During Julie's interview we had a quick succession of cutaways that we researched on the internet to quickly illustrate her points. There is also a screenshot of what she is talking about to support her speech and show that it is a widely talked about issue.

For the interview with Julie we placed her to the left of the frame and asked her to speak looking towards the right again to keep to the rule of thirds.

We had a lot of trouble choosing music for our documentary, but eventually decided to use a neutral melody that is simple and calming - keeping with the mood of our documentary.

We cut between the two interviews because they are answering the same question and so we juxtaposed their answers for contrast. During the interviews we zoomed in on Sharon's face to amplify her emotions towards what she is talking about.

At the end of our documentary we justified our lack of an opposing view. We used an over-the-shoulder shot of Alex and then a zoom into the computer to show our research into churches. The voiceover makes it clear to the audience what we are trying to get across and this is emphasised by Alex crossing out church names and numbers, all being numbers we had previously tried and failed to interview. We used an extreme close-up for this part so that the audience can read what is written on the paper and a cross-dissolve transition to illustrate time passing. The end is in slow motion because it properly portrays our disappointment which is a feature taken from other documentaries that we have looked at. We used a fade out t the very end to give an unfinished 'end of part one' feel.

20 Jan 2010 | | 0 comments

Possible print advert Publications

The Guardian newspaper. This is a left wing newspaper that is very liberal and middle class. This newspaper would be read by our target audience of maturer people interested in controversial current affairs. 

The Church of England Newspaper. This newspaper would be advertising to the people that our documentary is about - Christians. This is not 100% our target audience, but would definitely be relevant. If our print advert was printed in this newspaper it would reach the people who are directly affected by the issues raised in our documentary.

13 Jan 2010 | | 0 comments

Print Advert Analysis

We practised analysing print adverts, I chose to do a Skins poster:

11 Jan 2010 | | 0 comments

Feedback from Advert

Our class listened to our first draft of the advert and gave us some invaluable feedback on how to improve it. Before they listened to it we asked them some questions, just to get specific responses on some things that we were not sure about. For example we asked whether they liked my voice as the voiceover and also if they had any idea what type of music we could use for it.

The feedback was as follows:

  • Clear voice over
  • Turn up the volume on interview clips
  • Good idea to disperse the voice over - retains awareness
  • The clip about homosexuality being a 'taboo subject' is a good clip because it explains what the documentary is all about.
  • Good fade out of clips
  • Nice ending
  • Good information
  • Needs a punchier beginning that is more catchy
  • Maybe have a male voice over because all the clips are female - perhaps somebody older as well?
  • Use church bells
  • Don't need Elliott's voice at the beginning
  • Music could be something classical and calm, e.g. piano, orchestral
  • Quality of audio at the beginning is sketchy
  • Volume needs equalising
  • Sharon's clip is too long
  • My voice over should be a bit slower
  • Voice over should maybe come in sooner at the beginning

4 Jan 2010 | | 0 comments

Radio Advert

The script for the radio advert is as follows:

Voice over: Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; it is an abomination

(clip from Sharon) 

Voice over: In an hour long documentary on Channel 4 we explore the opposing views of homosexuality in the church

(Clip of Julie + Sharon)

Voice over: Join us on January 10th at 7pm for The Divide of Sexuality Within the Church

Sharon: I say God Bless You

14 Dec 2009 | | 0 comments

The Radio Advert

Last lesson I had a look at Elliott's draft of a radio advert script and re-wrote it with some of my own ideas. I then used an 'Easi-Speak' microphone to record a rough version of the speaking parts that will not be sound clips from the actual documentary. I uploaded my voice recording and put it into GarageBand where I had to triple it up because, although it sounded a reasonable volume through headphones, it was too quiet.

This lesson I have extracted important sound files from our documentary and transferred them onto my memory stick. However. Last lesson I used a MacBook Pro to create the radio advert and everything was absolutely fine. This lesson the MacBook Pros seem to be working at a ridiculously slow pace and refuses to take any faster than an hour to upload the sound clips. Hopefully this will be fixed by next lesson..........


Cutaway Filming

On Tuesday I went out with a camera and filmed a church near school to be used as cutaways. I filmed a few slow angle pan shots that travelled up the front of the church and then filmed it from other sides and different angles. Luckily it was quite a nice day so the sky looked pleasant and not gloomy. These small cutaway shots will be useful for breaking up very long and wordy interviews and making them visually more interesting.

2 Dec 2009 | | 0 comments


We have finally scanned in our rough storyboard, drawn in pen and ink it reads from left to right.
There are a few blank boxes where we are a little unsure about what to include, but this will be changed as we progress in our editing.

26 Nov 2009 | | 0 comments

Which Radio Station?

We have decided on BBC Radio 4 as a good radio station on which to broadcast our advert. Radio 4 is a more liberal minded station that broadcasts a huge variety of programmes including news, drama, comedy, science and history. It is a very influential radio station that would be most likely to include a controversial subject such as our documentary's in it's schedule. It also caters to people of our target audience - mature and open minded.



GarageBand is a program used primarily to create and elaborately edit music. However we shall be using it to make a 20 second long radio advert with sound taken straight from the documentary.
We have been given an overview of how GarageBand works and luckily it does not seem half as complicated as Final Cut. After a quick group discussion we have already decided that we would like the majority of the advert to contain public opinion because that outlines a lot of what the documentary will be about. There are certain quotes that we have also thought to include that stand out from the main interviews.

We have listened to a radio advert from BBC radio 4 that is a good example for how we should go about setting up ours:

  • A introduction
  • A few seconds saying when the documentary would be on
  • Clips from the actual documentary itself
  • Music that reflects the mood and genre
  • Accurate volume that remains constant

A few things that we may have to think about is the type of music we would like to use, which so far seems like it might be religious music free from copyright. We also have to consider who we will use to record the voice over. Obviously a voice over would sound better if it was an older voice so we may have to ask somebody from outside of the group to come in and read out the voice over for us.



We have managed to upload our new footage successfully and without many hiccups. Since interviewing the public we have been using our lessons to edit all of our interviews on final cut express. We have cut it all up into sections depending on which question asked and placed everything into separate 'bins' so that when we go to find anything it is all ordered and easy to find. We have been putting together the beginning of our documentary by creating quick cuts of the public that flick between positive and negative opinions for a dynamic and engaging opening sequence.

19 Nov 2009 | | 0 comments

Teacher Feedback

A big improvement to your earlier blog! Well done. You have added images to make this visually easier to read as well as more information about your process.

17 Nov 2009 | | 0 comments

Cutaway Shots

Today we will be going to Streatham High Street to ask members of the public whether they agree with homosexual Christians or not. This will fit in well with our storyboard as it will serve for the beginning parts of our opening scene, in which short cutaways will be used. We will aim to get at least 4 people giving an answer and get a few more just in case we cant use any of the other ones.


We just got back from Streatham and we managed to get 7 people to cooperate and answer our question. We faced a few problems, mostly with people not wanting to answer our question, be filmed, or being too busy to (about 6/20 didn't mind being interviewed).

The majority of the people interviewed gave positive replies, only one person said they were against it and one person didn't have an opinion. We have recieved a range of views which will be perfect for our documentary, especially as it is the public answering - and therefore real people with real views.

9 Nov 2009 | | 0 comments

Things left to do

As we have completed 2/3 of our main interviews, all that is left is for us to complete our final interview, and some additional cutaways. On the 12th we are going to go to Streatham High Street and record a series of everyday people's individual opinions on homosexual Christians.

Our final interview will be with someone who is anti homosexual Christians, so we can therefore present a more balanced set of opinions and document both sides of the argument (which our individual research has shown a good documentary should).

4 Nov 2009 | | 0 comments

Our pitch

For our final pitch we created a detailed power point presentation that contained bullet points and visuals to help make it interesting. We had notes that we either read from or had memorised so that we were not reading straight from the power point which would have been dull.

We got positive feedback supporting our documentary, which has encouraged us further that our documentary can be a success with additional teamwork and good planning.


Rev Sharon Ferguson - Additional information

After interviewing Sharon, I asked if she would had any additional information we could use in our documentary.

She gave each of us an official LGCM small leaflet, and a booklet created by her which contains very useful information. In terms of our documentary, we can scan and use pages of the leaflet/booklet as cutaway shots which will be insightful for the viewer - and relevant at the same time.

Additionally, she said we could use her appearance on 'The Big Question' freely, which is extremely informative and embedded here:


Music for our documentary

The problem with music for our documentary is that it needs to be relevant to the documentary topic, Christianity. On the websites that Miss Taylor had given us that offer copywrite free music, there where no Christian songs.

There are plenty of Christian rock, soul, rap, and jazz bands I have found on the internet, but all hold the common problem of copyright. It was when I found this website that our problem was solved.

4praise.com offers "the largest collection of free christian music on the web", and most importantly every single song is "offered freely with full permission from the copyright holders."

We couldnt of asked for a more perfect site. I will now begin looking through the music and seeing which is most suited for our documentary.




Today’s technological problems in school


Today we encountered a number of problems while trying to upload our newly recorded footage onto the media suite computers. With our previous interview, we had already uploaded the footage, however not checked it. While checking today I realised that there was a sync problem with the audio and footage, which caused a number of problems. I googled for a solution and found a number of different ones. We tried each, however it merely created additional problems, like saying the "scratch disk is full". It was frustrating as not only did it mean our original footage had to now be re-uploaded, but our new footage also.

On the plus side, when filming our newest interview (yesterday) we briefly debated weather or not to film over our first interview as we already had it on the computer. It was lucky we chose not to, as if we did the film would now be lost - or at least corrupted to an extent. This has taught us always to keep original footage, as we are never aware of future problems which may arise.

We are currently waiting upon a solution from Miss Taylor, in hope that we can continue to use the iMac computers.


The Questions

In our interview with Sharon and with our interview with Julie we asked similar questions so as to provide two points of view on the same thing. The list of questions below are the ones that we directed at Sharon during her interview:

  1. I know you’re a trained reverend, what exactly where the teachings on homosexuality that you received during this training.
  2. Did these teachings differ with any teaching you had previously?
  3. Do you think that modern Christianity should adapt to modern society’s norms? (Up until 1980’s seen as mental illness but now society has adapted)
  4. Do you know quotes that in your view present directly the bibles teaching on homosexuality? Or would you say it’s for a Christian themself to decide.
  5. Homosexual conversion therapy is something which has been used more widely in the US than in the UK at the moment, but what is your view on this practice? Some have criticised it as a form of brainwashing.
  6. What are your thoughts on church members blessing a civil partnership when there is so much divide on the matter. Is it responsible for a church member to perform a service that another church might totally disagree with?
  7. Homosexuality is obviously something which has been around as long as heterosexual relationships. Homosexuals would have been punished for their acts at the time of Jesus. Why wouldn’t Jesus just condemn or condone it?
  8. I read that you are in a relationship with another woman, what different reactions have you had to this from different Church members?
  9. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion” - Romans 1:26-2 - What is your view on this quote?


Our Second Interview

On Tuesday after school the whole group went along to Bethnal Green in East London by tube to a place called Oxford House. Once there we were greeted by a woman called Sharon Ferguson, a lesbian reverand, who is in her own words "the face of Gay and Lesbian Christians". More importantly, she is a representative of the 'Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement', which has been established for over 30 years. We interviewed Sharon in her office because she was surrounded by artefacts proclaiming her strong religious beliefs.

  • We asked her nine set questions that she answered in full with lots of examples and explanations which will make it easy for the viewers of our documentary to understand. 
  • We made sure to keep to the rule of thirds by placing Sharon to the right of the frame as her eyes were directed towards the left (where Alex was sat asking the questions, but out of the actual shot). 
  • Elliott was the acting camera man and he made sure to zoom in on Sharon's face when she came to an important point to make the shot more intense and personal.
  • Unfortunately during the interview our camera ran out of battery and we had to stop to charge it for a while. Luckily Sharon was very nice about it and we had a break for about ten minutes while it charged. 
  • While the camera was charging Sharon gave us some reading material on the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement that we could perhaps use in our documentary somehow, either quoting it or filming pages from a magazine we received. 
  • We filmed her surrounding office once the interview was over to use for cut-aways and such.


Final Cut Express

During Monday's lesson everybody in the class got a chance to watch countless tutorials regarding the program final cut express. This was an invaluable lesson because we will be using this program to edit our documentary and none of us have ever used it before.

After completing a questionnaire based on what we learnt from the tutorials we ended up feeling a little more confident about this complicated program. When we do begin editing (hopefully on Wednesday) Final Cut Express seems to contain a lot of interesting features to help our documentary seem dynamic, for example a wide range of transitions, which would give our documentary a professional edge.

22 Oct 2009 | | 0 comments

Our first interview and what we learnt from it

For our first interview Elliott met up with a woman called Julie who is a newly trained vicar. We have now got 17 minutes of straight footage with Julie airing her opinions on various Christian related questions based within a homosexual context.

The interview was conducted at Elliott's house in a room with pale wallpaper so that she stands out. She is seated so as to be comfortable and was asked to answer the question directed at her in her answer so that when it comes to editing we can cut from and to various questions throughout. This will also aid cut-away shots.

The interview was good and definitely usable, but there are some points we will be able to improve upon when doing our next few interviews:

  • The framing of the shot could have been better, for example there is a radiator in the corner that is not very visually appealing and a glass of water is half visible which could have been cropped out.
  • The lighting in the room was not ideal because of the lateness of the hour and next time we will make the area as bright as possible.
  • Julie does not have a very loud voice and although she was asked to project her voice at the camera her answers are still quite quiet. In the future we may like to use a microphone that can be clipped on to the interviewee's shirt. 
For our second interview we have arranged to meet up with Sharon Ferguson, a homosexual reverend who works for the Lesbian and Gay Christians Movement, on Tuesday 3rd October. Sharon Ferguson will be an invaluable asset to our documentary because she has been on television previously, on the BBC's ethics programme 'The Moral Maze' and also 'The Big Questions', so she will be well rehearsed in airing her views.

20 Oct 2009 | | 0 comments

Teacher Feedback

I know you have done more than this! You have some BASIC information and there is an attempt to include visual images and made this look presentable and easy to read. Your presentation was very good (proficient/excellent). If you had completed this blog, you would have earned high marks.

Lastly, please label your blog entries--and complete drafts. Two of your entries are drafts. I posted one of them, but it is incomplete.


Audience Research

We created a questionnaire to find out information regarding our audience. The questionnaire contained 6 questions about their television preferences and views on homosexuality in the church. 

We put these questionnaires into graphical form to make it easier to read and draw conclusions from.

Note: Please click to make larger! They stretch the page if embedded in their original size. 

Not all the results are posted, however from the graphs shown we can determine that there is an interest in our documentary type and the subject matter. 



Louis Theroux does controversial documentaries such as the enclosed picture taken from 'The most hated family in America' which we gained inspiration from. For a start, Louis has a very typical technique of creating an unbiased account of both the for and against parties. Secondly, he has a very courteous demeanour when talking to people he does not necessarily like or respect. 

'The most hated family in America' is a documentary about one family in America which is part of a particular type of Christian church that sets out to hate homosexuals. They are presented in a carefully negative light, with the grandmother of the family acting very hostile towards anyone who does not share her view. Unlike this documentary we will not be taking a specific side in the debate and will not present anybody either negatively or positively. 

5 Oct 2009 | | 0 comments

Pitch and Response

We pitched our documentary idea about gay and lesbian christians to the class. We got lots of useful feedback such as how we should go about presenting our formal pitch. We also got the idea to create questionnaires for people to fill out, so that we can gather more information about our target audience. For example we need to make a powerpoint presentation and make sure that everybody in our group speaks and also include pictures to help maintain focus.

30 Sept 2009 | | 0 comments

Gay and Lesbian Christians


Our idea for a documentary is to investigate the controversy surrounding gay Christians. This is a sensitive subject that has been in the news a lot and yet skirted around. We aim to provide an unbiased view of the debate that follows homosexuals practicing Christianity.  

Is it viable?

Our documentary has viability because we have access to organisations concerned with our investigation. For example the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement is a UK based charity that holds events every month in London that would be easy to gain admission to. We are in the process of contacting a few of the people involved and are planning on asking for interviews at a later date. This would be invaluable because they would be able to give an opinionated point of view on something they obviously feel strongly about.

One of our group members also knows a gay christian personally who would be happy to air his views for the documentary.

Where would it be filmed?

During our documentary we would like to have a number of cut-aways to footage of churches and have already found a list of churches nearby that are gay friendly. However we would also like to film a few churches that are not so open to homosexual Christians as well as interviewing vicars or priests who disagree also.

As well as churches being relevant to our documentary they will be nice locations to film in because many of them are very picturesque, for example catholic churches which place great emphasis on beauty in statues and stained glass windows.

Who would be the target audience?

Our documentary will not have a very specific target audience, but will be more generally aimed at young adults and above who would be interested in the subject matter.

How would a five minute extract fit into a larger documentary?

We have decided we would like to film a five minute extract starting at the beginning of the documentary because we would like to do a creative opening sequence.

Why would a television channel want to commission our documentary? 

Because the subject is controversial and yet very much relevant to today's society a television channel would want to commission our documentary for its originality and first hand accounts from either side of the debate. As we are not biased towards one opinion or another our documentary will be informative and different to the many others that are out there.