4 Nov 2009 | |

The Questions

In our interview with Sharon and with our interview with Julie we asked similar questions so as to provide two points of view on the same thing. The list of questions below are the ones that we directed at Sharon during her interview:

  1. I know you’re a trained reverend, what exactly where the teachings on homosexuality that you received during this training.
  2. Did these teachings differ with any teaching you had previously?
  3. Do you think that modern Christianity should adapt to modern society’s norms? (Up until 1980’s seen as mental illness but now society has adapted)
  4. Do you know quotes that in your view present directly the bibles teaching on homosexuality? Or would you say it’s for a Christian themself to decide.
  5. Homosexual conversion therapy is something which has been used more widely in the US than in the UK at the moment, but what is your view on this practice? Some have criticised it as a form of brainwashing.
  6. What are your thoughts on church members blessing a civil partnership when there is so much divide on the matter. Is it responsible for a church member to perform a service that another church might totally disagree with?
  7. Homosexuality is obviously something which has been around as long as heterosexual relationships. Homosexuals would have been punished for their acts at the time of Jesus. Why wouldn’t Jesus just condemn or condone it?
  8. I read that you are in a relationship with another woman, what different reactions have you had to this from different Church members?
  9. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion” - Romans 1:26-2 - What is your view on this quote?