22 Feb 2010 | |

How each ancillary text will appeal to the target audience?

How each ancillary text will appeal to the target audience?
Where will the text appear?
Why are these formats appropriate?


From our research on radio adverts, we found out that our advert would fit most appropriately on the BBC radio station, Radio 4. Why we chose this is because of findings from the BBC wikipedia page:
  • Radio 1 ("the best new music and entertainment")
  • Radio 2 (the UK's most listened to radio station, with 12.9 million weekly listeners)
  • Radio 3 (classical and jazz music)
  • Radio 4 (current affairs, factual, drama and comedy)
  • Radio 5 Live (24 hour news, sports and talk) 
From here, it was clear Radio 4 was the station that most related to our program.

The fact we chose Radio 4 sets out the target audience to an extent, as it already appeals to a quite defined audience. On researching the Radio 4 demographic audience, I found the following, defined in its service license:

"The remit of Radio 4 is to be a mixed speech service, offering in-depth news and current affairs and a wide range of other speech output including drama, readings, comedy and factual and magazine 
programmes. The service should appeal to listeners seeking intelligent programmes in many genres which inform and educate and entertain"

The text highlighted in bold defines why we chose Radio 4, as each relates to our advert. 

As the issue of Christian homosexuality has become such a widespread topic, yet still appears in headlines regularly, shows that it is still part of current affairs. It is an issue yet to be resolved - this week for example, a headline has been: Government should not stand in way of homosexuals marrying in church, say Tories

Our documentary contains no re-enactments, and documents purely factual knowledge. 

Additionally, everything from language used, to the very core subject of our documentary is something that would appeal to people seeking intelligent programmes. Our documentary idea falls under two main categories, religious and current affairs. Both these are ideas which relate predominantly if not exclusively to that of an intelligent audience.

In terms of timing, research of the Radio 4 schedule page showed us most religious programming is done at 16:00 - 17:00, in which ours will be best suited too.


As our documentary will be screened on a BBC channel, again I searched for the guidelines for this channel. It brought me to the "BBC Commisioning Documentaries" page, which said the documentary should, "challenge the audience to broaden their horizons or see their world from different perspectives". Our issue, is something which requires a mature audience to suspend their views for a few moments and see the views of others, so to create their own. For an audience to do this, it requires a level of maturity that resides in a mature age group. The subject is so broad, and relates to so many people in different age groups. It would be inefficient to target it at a age group exclusively. Therefore, the target age audience is mature persons, generally over the age of about 16.

The documentary commision page says the ideal documentary should "make more traditional docs subjects modern and relevant". As all young documentary makers, we made it from the viewpoint of someone with a modern point of view, with new ideas. This is evident from the hybrid style of documentary we used, in which we combined traditional forms of documentary into one of our own. The following image with Alex's hand, is an example of a transition that we used. It gives it a more modern feel, and is an example of something that isn't a traditional documentary convention, but something that we uniquely used - again re-affirming the BBC as the best network to screen our documentary.