We have decided on BBC Radio 4 as a good radio station on which to broadcast our advert. Radio 4 is a more liberal minded station that broadcasts a huge variety of programmes including news, drama, comedy, science and history. It is a very influential radio station that would be most likely to include a controversial subject such as our documentary's in it's schedule. It also caters to people of our target audience - mature and open minded.
26 Nov 2009 | Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 07:09 | 0 comments
Which Radio Station?
Labels: Kitty
| Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 07:01 | 0 comments
GarageBand is a program used primarily to create and elaborately edit music. However we shall be using it to make a 20 second long radio advert with sound taken straight from the documentary.
We have been given an overview of how GarageBand works and luckily it does not seem half as complicated as Final Cut. After a quick group discussion we have already decided that we would like the majority of the advert to contain public opinion because that outlines a lot of what the documentary will be about. There are certain quotes that we have also thought to include that stand out from the main interviews.
We have listened to a radio advert from BBC radio 4 that is a good example for how we should go about setting up ours:
- A introduction
- A few seconds saying when the documentary would be on
- Clips from the actual documentary itself
- Music that reflects the mood and genre
- Accurate volume that remains constant
Labels: Kitty
| Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 06:33 | 0 comments
We have managed to upload our new footage successfully and without many hiccups. Since interviewing the public we have been using our lessons to edit all of our interviews on final cut express. We have cut it all up into sections depending on which question asked and placed everything into separate 'bins' so that when we go to find anything it is all ordered and easy to find. We have been putting together the beginning of our documentary by creating quick cuts of the public that flick between positive and negative opinions for a dynamic and engaging opening sequence.
Labels: Kitty
19 Nov 2009 | Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 06:56 | 0 comments
Teacher Feedback
A big improvement to your earlier blog! Well done. You have added images to make this visually easier to read as well as more information about your process.
Labels: Ms Taylor
17 Nov 2009 | Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 05:04 | 0 comments
Cutaway Shots

Labels: Alex
9 Nov 2009 | Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 04:11 | 0 comments
Things left to do
As we have completed 2/3 of our main interviews, all that is left is for us to complete our final interview, and some additional cutaways. On the 12th we are going to go to Streatham High Street and record a series of everyday people's individual opinions on homosexual Christians.
Our final interview will be with someone who is anti homosexual Christians, so we can therefore present a more balanced set of opinions and document both sides of the argument (which our individual research has shown a good documentary should).
Labels: Elliott
4 Nov 2009 | Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 14:44 | 0 comments
Our pitch
For our final pitch we created a detailed power point presentation that contained bullet points and visuals to help make it interesting. We had notes that we either read from or had memorised so that we were not reading straight from the power point which would have been dull.
| Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 14:24 | 0 comments
Rev Sharon Ferguson - Additional information
Labels: Elliott
| Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 03:59 | 0 comments
Music for our documentary
There are plenty of Christian rock, soul, rap, and jazz bands I have found on the internet, but all hold the common problem of copyright. It was when I found this website that our problem was solved.
4praise.com offers "the largest collection of free christian music on the web", and most importantly every single song is "offered freely with full permission from the copyright holders."
We couldnt of asked for a more perfect site. I will now begin looking through the music and seeing which is most suited for our documentary.
Labels: Elliott
| Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 03:32 | 0 comments
Today’s technological problems in school

Labels: Elliott
| Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 02:10 | 0 comments
The Questions
In our interview with Sharon and with our interview with Julie we asked similar questions so as to provide two points of view on the same thing. The list of questions below are the ones that we directed at Sharon during her interview:
- I know you’re a trained reverend, what exactly where the teachings on homosexuality that you received during this training.
- Did these teachings differ with any teaching you had previously?
- Do you think that modern Christianity should adapt to modern society’s norms? (Up until 1980’s seen as mental illness but now society has adapted)
- Do you know quotes that in your view present directly the bibles teaching on homosexuality? Or would you say it’s for a Christian themself to decide.
- Homosexual conversion therapy is something which has been used more widely in the US than in the UK at the moment, but what is your view on this practice? Some have criticised it as a form of brainwashing.
- What are your thoughts on church members blessing a civil partnership when there is so much divide on the matter. Is it responsible for a church member to perform a service that another church might totally disagree with?
- Homosexuality is obviously something which has been around as long as heterosexual relationships. Homosexuals would have been punished for their acts at the time of Jesus. Why wouldn’t Jesus just condemn or condone it?
- I read that you are in a relationship with another woman, what different reactions have you had to this from different Church members?
- “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion” - Romans 1:26-2 - What is your view on this quote?
| Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 01:43 | 0 comments
Our Second Interview
On Tuesday after school the whole group went along to Bethnal Green in East London by tube to a place called Oxford House. Once there we were greeted by a woman called Sharon Ferguson, a lesbian reverand, who is in her own words "the face of Gay and Lesbian Christians". More importantly, she is a representative of the 'Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement', which has been established for over 30 years. We interviewed Sharon in her office because she was surrounded by artefacts proclaiming her strong religious beliefs.
- We asked her nine set questions that she answered in full with lots of examples and explanations which will make it easy for the viewers of our documentary to understand.
- We made sure to keep to the rule of thirds by placing Sharon to the right of the frame as her eyes were directed towards the left (where Alex was sat asking the questions, but out of the actual shot).
- Elliott was the acting camera man and he made sure to zoom in on Sharon's face when she came to an important point to make the shot more intense and personal.
- Unfortunately during the interview our camera ran out of battery and we had to stop to charge it for a while. Luckily Sharon was very nice about it and we had a break for about ten minutes while it charged.
- While the camera was charging Sharon gave us some reading material on the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement that we could perhaps use in our documentary somehow, either quoting it or filming pages from a magazine we received.
- We filmed her surrounding office once the interview was over to use for cut-aways and such.
| Posted by Dunraven Doc Student at 01:21 | 0 comments
Final Cut Express
Labels: Kitty